Saturday, December 6, 2008


The best way to get visitors to your websites and blogs is through article marketing that is writing and submitting articles to articles centres online like
To get many visitors to website you need to write many articles everyday. You can start with one a day, two a day and from two articles a day to six or ten articles a day and you can also submit to many articles centres as you wish and you will see the traffic I mean the visitors coming to your website. One thing I love most about article marketing is that you get targeted visitors, visitors who go to the internet to seek for solution. Since you have what they want in your website they will always stop whenever they search for what they need in the internet from search engine like Google, yahoo and so many other search engines in the internet.
The secret to article marketing is using the right keyword. If you are writing about making money online with blogs you can go to google and use the keyword tool there and you can come up with other keyword like, make money, blog, and make money from home. The Google keyword too will tell you how many times internet users searched for these keywords online monthly like, make money was searched for, over eighteen thousand times online while blog was searched for, two hundred and five thousand times. The difference is clear and in this business the more visitors you get the more money you will make.
Another secret I also want to share with you is writing quality articles, also let the content of your articles be much let your reader get enough content to read. If you always have quality and enough content in your articles they will always come back for more.
Charles Ben is an internet marketer who have taught many internet users online on how to make money online and for tips to make money from the internet

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Promoting your website is the most important things to do for internet marketing. You need to continuously promote your website in order to get people to visit your website. There are many ways to promote your website but there are only a few that are really important to do.
The most important form of promotion is called article marketing. Article marketing is simply the process of creating some articles about your website and submitting them to the top article directories. This is important because you can use this article to link back to your website. Heres an example: You submit your article to a top article directory, then other websites see this article and put it up on their website. Now all these articles are now giving you one way backliks to your website boosting up in the search engine rankings. The next best way of promoting your website is through social networking. Social networking involves using websites such as myspace, facebook, and twitter by meeting people and spreading the word about your website. Some people say this is crucial because these networking sites have a very high authority in the search engines. By linking back to your site using social networking can boost your rankings significantly. Another form of social networking is social bookmarking. Now all you do is sign up to social bookmarking websites such as delicious, digg, spurl, furl and hundreds more. This works by submitting your website to your account and letting people now that your website has some good information. When you do social bookmarking you shouldn't just promote your own website or they will ban you from their service. Try finding some useful information and bookmark those websites so it looks natural to the search engines.
The last thing you can do for promoting your website is creating a blog. There are many types of blog platforms out there you can use for promoting your website but I recommend using either wordpress or blogger blogs. When creating a blog you want to create unique articles for you to post onto your blog. You want these articles to be about the general theme of your website. If you have a website on making money online, then you would have articles about business on your blog. Since blogger and wordpress have a very high authority your site will be able to become a very powerful and properly linked website.
If you do these promotional ideas correctly you will have a website that will skyrocket to the top of the search engines and you will outperform your competitors. There are hundreds more ways of promoting your website but these are the ones that you must do because these will give you unique visitors for a long time.


At the time of this writing, the country is facing real and growing fear … on Wall Street and on Main Street. The Congress, without shame, has passed the bailout plan along with a whole bunch of pork. In other words to get enough votes, individual members of Congress traded their "conviction" for their pet projects designed to do what … get more votes and insure their own political longevity. This is Democracy?
So what can you do? I say control those things that you and only you can control; your business and for the purposes of this writing your online business. For more details go to .Pay even closer attention to your business. Analyze all areas of your business. Don't cut cost just for the sake of cutting costs. Concentrate on efficiency ... getting more done with less! Through careful analysis you can always increase your efficiency and productivity in all areas of your business ... sales, marketing, customer service, finance and accounting, manufacturing, research and development.
1. The former involves "coming at the potential customer" almost always when not welcome. These methods are considered wildly successful if just a success rate of 1 in 200 is achieved ... not very efficient or cost effective.
2. The latter involves the targeted visibility achieved through Google, Yahoo and the rest where the potential customer initiates the contact at a time and place of their choosing. They are ready when they decide to search for your products and services. Predictably, the success rate is much higher than, sometimes as high as 15-20% if your website is easily found and is further optimized for converting the visitor.
Being found by those potential clients and buyers at precisely the time and place of their choosing … where else in the world can you more efficiently get the highest quality, the most qualified new business? While traditional advertising uses a wide and inefficient net to hopefully reach the right buyer mainly by the math of a tiny percentage of the market that will see your ad, open your mail, answer your phone call at precisely the time they are interested and ready to actually act, Internet Marketing is targeted and Search Engine Visibility in the organic or natural listings is only seen by the buyer when they want to see you. How many times have you called on a prospect or advertised traditionally where the buyer says "I'm amazed, I was just about to call you" … very rare, indeed. ALL searches that find you on the search is amazing in that you are being found exactly when it is "at the top of their list" of things to do.
So, if you find that your marketing dollars are restricted and therefore more precious than ever, you need to make the most out of every marketing dollar. So cut the inefficiency of traditional advertising and focus your marketing dollars on targeted traffic through the power of the internet and specifically the search engines. For more help go to .My message: In these troubled times, the best investment you can make is in yourself and in your business. Focus on efficiency and productivity to maximize your profitability. Yes, cut costs where you can; but stay on offense more than on defense.

Can Article Marketing Put Your Mouth In Money

In its most basic form Article Marketing is the process of writing short 350 - 500 word articles and giving them away for free. He knows giving something away for free sounds kind of counter productive when you are trying to run an internet business, but believe me you will reap the rewards of your effort.
Article Marketing is hands down one of the most effective types of promotion you can do for your internet business. It is also the one of the least expensive ways to advertise. In fact it is 100% free. All it will cost you is your time. For more info login to : The articles that you write can be distributed in many ways including article directories, article banks, newsletter publishers, forums, and even to hard copy publishers.
In His opinion the biggest and best advantage that Article Marketing offers is that it is viral in nature. Once your articles are placed in article directories or newsletters they can be seen by people all across the internet.
Another benefit of Article Marketing is that by submitting articles you gain credibility with readers. In the long run this can build reader loyalty, and trust. You will find that should a visitor to a site be presented with two nearly identical products they will purchase the one created by a name they know. Writing articles will cause your name to become known.
Here is an example of how article marketing works. Imagine that you love to play online games and are working in the online gaming niche selling various gaming products. One of those products is an e-book called "Effective Guild Recruitment and Management." Write an article not about your product, but about one point within the product.
Write an article about a problem that every guild has and how to deal with it. Do not mention your product anywhere in the article. For more information visit to : Keep your article between 350 and 750 words and make sure you have a killer headline.
At the bottom of your article you will include the author's resource box. This is a box of text where you will give your name, your real website address , and three to five lines of description. Something like this.
Your Name is an online gaming expert who has been involved in numerous beta tests as well as countless online games. You can find more valuable gaming information at Your Name's website, (your website name here), located at (your real url here).
Once your article is complete, reread it to be sure that you have made all of the points that you wish to make, check it for spelling and grammar errors, and you are ready to submit it.
There are internet professionals who earn tens of thousands of dollars each and every month and Article Marketing is their sole source of traffic.


If he likes to work in the comfort and privacy of his own home wearing just his birthday suit, that's fine. The problem is that further on in this story, the neighbour says: "I see you through this window (she points) every single morning. You're right there on the couch when I get up. Right there when I go to work. And more often that not you're right there when I get home.."
What are we to make of this? Is the author an exhibitionist who likes to cavort naked in front of a window on a daily basis? Is the neighbor a voyeur or just a very liberal minded person? Does this scene take place in a naturist colony? Actually, if it was a naturist colony he would have been comfortable in the buff and wouldn't have been "scattering" himself in paragraph 1. My answer would be none of the above. It's my belief that whoever put this copy together simply forgot the reference to needing to put clothes on in the first paragraph. This tells me the story is the invention of someone who has not had the experience described and has not pictured the whole scene
I should also say that on the website in question it says "often that not" (as above) instead of "than", it isn't a typo by me.
Would the website owner be pleased that potential customers become sidetracked by thoughts of him being naked in full view of his neighbors? Of course not, he wants them to focus on his product and a good copywriter will know exactly how to do that. Simply visit to .If you are less than fully confident of your ability to produce good advertising copy, hire a professional: a professionally written sales letter will pay for itself over and over again.
If you do employ a writer to ghost write your own story, make sure you provide plenty of detail to bring the story to life. You want a production in glorious Technicolor not sepia and the writer will need real details of your experience to make the story seem personal. When you have the finished article, give it to a couple of trusted friends and get their opinions and criticisms so you can decide if any editing is required before publishing. To know more logon to .I just saw a website where the owner, somewhat self-importantly, stated that few companies would receive his "world renewed" seal of approval. Where were his friends when he was adding this masterpiece to the Internet?
If you want to use a long sales letter on your website, it's usually best to relate your own experiences because people like true stories. If you think that's too boring, at least be creative in your composition because it won't be too long before your potential customers have seen so many of these badly cloned efforts they won't be fooled by any of them


Anyone with the time, will and determination can succeed in internet marketing without great financial expense and I'll tell you how in this article.
Using free keyword suggestion tools like Overture keyword suggestion tool or Google keyword suggestion tool and a host of others, for more detail visit you will see the millions of searches done to a certain keyword. When these keywords are typed on search boxes of search engines, indexed websites containing articles with those keywords will be displayed. And this is what leads traffic to websites with keyword-rich articles. Yes, the magic word is articles, especially well written articles.
Content is king and this will never change. That is why writing good articles and making them available freely online by posting them on article directories is one of the most utilized Internet marketing method today. Internet surfers just can not get enough of information on various fields. Providing information through these articles is a most certain way to drive hot traffic to your web site.
Why is this so? Here are the benefits that writing articles can give your website or web business.
1. Your website or internet business will be noticed in a short period of time.
Submit that article of yours to article directories that get the most web traffic and in no time your web site will be crawled. That is if you don't forget including your resource box or byline.
2. Obtain back links automatically to your website.
When you submit your articles to directories, surely, other websites will make use of your article too. With the copyright terms of your articles, the URL of your website will still be in tact and will subsequently direct more traffic to your website. Effectively you will get links back to your site.
3. Improve your reputation.
As an Internet marketer, if you plainly display your products on your website, you will not gain much conversion rate. Conversion is when your traffic converts to sales. You have to show that you are knowledgeable on your field. And what better way to show that than by writing good, quality articles that will allow you some bragging rights, right?
4. it's absolutely free.